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Axe 10

Patrimony management and urban planning

Consolidate the city’s asset management and spatial planning by ensuring territorial equity



Potential partners

Region, Ministries (Housing, Interior, Energy), Al Omrane

Expected results

  • Ensure forward-looking and inclusive urban planning and creation of new urban centers
  • Secure the transmission of heritage to future generations
  • Cover all areas of the city with addressing and signalization
  • Upgrade under-equipped neighborhoods of the city

Urban Planning and New Urban Centers

Ensuring forward-looking and inclusive urban planning and emergence of 7 new urban centers in Agadir

Security of the patrimony

Secure the patrimony and preserve it for future generations

Addressing and Signalization

Cover all the city's neighborhoods with addressing and signalization

Under-equipped neighborhoods

Prioritize under-served neighborhoods

Maps and illustrations

- Urban Centers 22/27
- Restructuring plans for under-equipped neighbourhoods

Neighborhood Aït Taoukt – Aït El moudden

Neighborhood Ighil Odrdour

Tikiouine neighborhood

List of planned actions

- Investment budget

CategoryProjectBudget in MAD
Urban planning and new urban centers1Create 7 new urban centersSee other items
Communal buildings2Upgrading of municipal buildings
- upgrading of the BHM (health and environment)
- refurbishment of the city hall
- modernization of the annex of Tablborjt
- refurbishment of the kheyr Eddine annex (Culture)
- modernization of the Annex Inbiaat
- Transfer of the communal park to Bikarrane

- Operating budget

Urban planning and addressing1Urban planning: 1 approved plan, 3 plans in the process of approval and 1 plan to be created
Securing the patrimony2Securing the patrimony for future generations
3Expanding the city council's land base for future projects
4Enhancing the value of the communal patrimony
Addressing and Signalization5Addressing and development of a general address register
Under-equipped neighborhoods6Carry out the development plans of the under-equipped districts
7Reinforce the 1st necessity equipments
8Improve the road system, lighting, green spaces and sports, culture and leisure facilities